Concrete technologies

Our TAILORED concrete technology is industry suited and can be applied directly...

 The latest research results and technical knowledge, such as nano-based particle packing, optimisation algorithms, calculation of water film thicknesses, evolutionary algorithms, finite element methods and databases are used to optimise or develop cement-bound materials for your product and material innovations.

G.tecz offers you services such as individual concrete optimization to increase efficiency while reducing costs, raw material characterization of your materials, concrete adaptation and development, development of cement-bound high-tech materials such as UHPC, 3D printing or the development of production plants for your concrete products.


Our technologies and solutions are fast, cost-effective and customer-oriented.

Cement Bonded High-Tech


Ultra High Performance Concrete


Economic High Performance Concrete

Fast Hardening Concrete

for road construction, industrial floors, ...

3mm Quantz coating 

ultra thin concrete panel



the cement reduction technology


optimization of stability, workability, strength

Brand New Innovation

3D Print Concrete

compound for 3D Printing with powder printers.

Light-Weight & Insulation

Foam Concrete 

foam concrete with high insulation

 LightWeight Concrete 

 high load bearing and insulating concrete

Aerogel Concrete

the high insulation material

Heat-Proof Concrete

HeatProof Concrete

ultra high performance concrete with a high longterm heat resistance. The material is used for oven construction, transportation units or high-temperature injection molds.

Road Construction

Fast Hardening Concrete 

for road construction, highways or runways.


drainage concrete developed for roads, ...

Curbstone Technologies

Brevolith Paver

UHPC technology - pavement and curbstone


HPC dry-mix

dry-mix development for production lines 

Repair Concrete dry-mix

high strength concrete for repair applications


We are developing your concrete from C20 to UHPC to Geopolymer Concrete, individually based on your local raw-materials - Fast, reliable and cost-effective.



  • Send us your technical specifications for your concrete
  • We select your local available raw-materials for the concrete
  • We check your production facility (mixer, ....) for perforance
  • UHPC development in Kassel, based on your information
  • Send us small amounts of raw-materials for quality control
  • You will receive a report, formulation and instruction for production
  • Optional: We offer you our HELP DESK with experienced Concrete Experts
  • Optional: We offer you to visit you and make the final transfer with your team


  •  Quick
  • Formulation, Price Calculation, CO2 Calculation
  • Know-How Transfer
  • Help Desk
  • Fixed Price